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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

To Hell and Back (The Adventures of Chemo Boy)

Apologies for another delayed post however I have not felt like I have had anything positive to say for some time so waited until in a better frame of mind to post an update.

My blood condition finally settled and began to work as it always has. I was allowed home on Wednesday with a whopping blood count of 83. On the way home visited Marks and Spencer’s with my bro and had a complete free for all. Me a had great time throwing anything and everything wanted into the basket I had been sharing the ward room with a lovely guy but we had been talking of food most of the time and I decided a treat was in order. Prawns and cockles and muscles were the main target. Foods I had eaten plentifully in my youth and as it turns out very good for blood production. So a very welcome addition to the diet. Ended up getting billed twice by M and S so have to wait to dispute that but hey there’s no time to worry about such things right now.

So far so positive but a trip to Hell was just round the corner. Due to having taken iron tablets in hospital amongst the chemo had led to terrible constipation during the hospital stay. This in turn for the last 3 days of the stay led to piles, or farmer Giles for the codename. So far the farmer was very annoying and making his presence known but I would describe them as manageable.

Wednesday and Thursday were nice days at home. Lovely and relaxed which was the plan as rest was very much needed before the next chemo. Friday I attended the hospital for a 4 hour kidney function test involving some kind of radioactive marker injected. This would allow the oncologists the ability to know exactly how my kidney functions are working so they can administer an appropriate amount of the chemo drugs. Also received a call from my case nurse Victoria who explained they would now be looking to administer the long chemo weeks over 5 days instead of the 3. This would give my body a better chance to handle the chemo and reduce the risks of another crash with the HS.

Home Friday night and tried some Anusol for the piles. To say I had a negative reaction would be an understatement. Instant pain dialled up to 11. I have suffered an anal fissure before which took over a year to heal and that was an 11 also. I had always said that is the worst condition I have ever gone through. There is something about a pain emanating from that region that makes it soooooo much worse than any other. So to find myself in that situation at this moment in time did nor leave me in a positive place. The pain lasted All night and my Dad had thought I may not make it due to how much pain he saw me in. I must admit that’s the lowest I have been since all this started. Having that now to deal with along with all else really pushed me over the edge and I will admit to having ventured to a very dark place that night.

Thankfully the pain has dialled down over the past few days. More pain than I’d like and I’ve been stuck in the bathroom sat on a pile cushion or in the bath for most of the time, so not the relaxing time I had planned for this week. At this point battling this now as pro actively as possible I can definitely say I’m exhausted at this point. Unfortunately due to now knowing if I’m going to still be an outpatient or inpatient for treatment over the 5 days I have many things to arrange and supplies to obtain for the next stay, preparation is key to avoid further declines. No rest for the wicked as they say and I’m feeling I must have been some kind of wicked at some point in my life.

No time to rest and definitely no time for dark thoughts. The Adventures of chemo boy it seems are only just beginning and it’s going to be one hell of a fight from start to finish. But if it’s fight that can be won I plan to do so no matter how many challenges are thrown my way. Though I’d kindly ask for a few less please life 😂

Sorry if this post is a little more graphic shall we say, but as this is a blog of the journey it would be remiss of me to exclude the bad parts. I’ll aim to update Wednesday with the details of what’s next. To all reading please stay safe and spread love.

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