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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

Chemo Complete, recovery and results ahead

Quick update. Last Wednesday's bleomycin session went well no issues and PICC line removed which was nice and painless. Been relaxing since mostly a cycle of sleeping and eating, wouldn't call it fatigue when awake but certainly cant be bothered to do much. I guess the whole chemo journey has taken a mental toll also as it has been my only single focus and attention for the last twelve weeks, it's kind of hard to re tune into reality. The hospitals are definitely getting busier again, on average in the clinic where i have blood tests and see a Doc before going upstairs for chemo has been taking around an hour but with more patients in the clinic it was around 3 hours this time. Doc reported all my bloods and nutrient levels beginning to normalise and also said the three cancer blood markers which were highly elevated have returned to normal levels which is a good sign that the chemo has worked well. Still have to have the scans and see how things go over the next weeks/months but its a good sign.

Next visit is for the scan on the 6th July and then the following week after back to clinic to see the docs for the results. If good news it will be a program of surveillance for the foreseeable future. This will involve frequent scans to check for cancer in the body which is good because should it return it's vital to catch it early.

So for now just trying to rest and get my head round the whole thing, I think it moved so fast and required all positive energy and full focus I have not given much thought to what it all means going forward in life. To anyone who has sent kind words and support throughout a massive thank you, to the nurses in the chemo ward a massive thank you and another massive thanks to the nurses in the wards when I was admitted to hospital. The nurses kind natures in the face of such times is a massive spirit raiser.

So Chemo boys adventure and the hard work is fingers crossed over, but there's still a long journey ahead as cancer is something that will be a part of my life moving forward even if given the all clear in the coming weeks. Though I will count my blessings as many with this horrible disease don't get such news.

Still no major progress in getting my hair and beard back so still looking like Casper the chemo ghost lol. But i will keep the blog updated and if any people on their own journey wish to contact me I will do my upmost to reply. But for now as usual peace and love to all. be kind and live with no regrets.

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