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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

Surgery Day (Orchiectomy) AKA ball removal lol

8 days since diagnosis and surgery day is here. Time to change from meat and two veg to just one side dish. I was in good spirits and remaining positive. I feel positivity provides much more benefits than negativity in life in general. Better to aim for the sky and fall short then never jump and end up exactly where you expected.

Bro drove me to surgery and stayed on the ward all day waiting for me. He has a condition of the spine and had been completely debilitated for many years. He recently had three massive surgery’s in Nottingham spanning around a year which I had taken him to each time. He pushed to have his surgeries provided by the best man in the country and all i can say is the changes they provided were nothing short of miraculous. Either way I’m sure it was a struggle for him to sit in the ward all day waiting but it was much appreciated.

It turned out I was the first surgery of the day. The hospital was eerily quiet due to the corona situation and only highly urgent surgeries were been carried out at this point. Switched into my very flattering gown and paper underpants which I deliberated whether to bother with anyway as they would only be ripped off once the time came lol. pre op questions and meet and greet with surgeon and anaesthetist. Then wheeled down to the theatre. Quite a long journey and been a heavy set fella one of the bed wheels seemed to be having a hard time. But you know what they say about the squeaky wheel. outside theatre and had to confirm exactly why I was there and which testicle should be removed. An arrow was already drawn on my right arm but they require you to say it specifically.

As a young child I had ear issues which required several surgeries so I would say I have been under around 6+ times in my life. And on more than one occasion the anaesthetist has used diversion tactics saying they were giving just air for example and then you feel the consciousness fade away whilst cursing them lol. The funniest I had was as a child, a lovely nurse came down with me that day and held my hand the whole time. However as I was slipping off the nurse and all doctors began expanding over my bed like monsters in the movies. On that day whilst wheeling me back to the ward I awoke, sat up straight, screamed at the top of my lungs and then proceeded to pass out for a further several hours.

Fortunately on this day the anaesthetist was genuine with all he told me but it didn’t stop me been suspicious the whole time. Then I slipped into a nice sleep and then woke up now with meat and one veg. I was informed that the operation had gone all OK and the next step was for the offending member to be sent to Leeds to be studied and all my care would be provided by the Leeds cancer centre. My surgery was carried out at the BRI in Bradford which is the city I have lived in all my life. Nurse explained that as soon as I passed water and was fit enough I could go home. I wasted no time ensuring this was done.

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