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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

Quick update

Hi All just a quick update. Had a single Bleomycin shot last Wednesday, turned out to be a long day as the hospital lost my blood samples again for the third time. Should be outta there by 2 but dragged on till around 5. Fortunately no more issues with my HS so I have been at home relaxing since then. Due back to the hospital on Tuesday for blood tests to ensure we can go ahead with the last 5 day session starting on Wednesday. On one hand I’m not looking forward to it as it is one heck of a tough week but on the other hand it’s the last one so kinda eager to get it over and done with. After that it will only be single Bleomycin sessions for a few weeks then there will be a rest period of around three weeks before we under go scans to find out if the treatment has been successful. I’m expecting one more crash some time after this 5 day session but at least we are prepared for it this time.

As for chemo side effects the last two days I have had zero energy and just feel like sleeping constantly. Just a total lack of energy to do anything really, can’t play games or watch TV I imagine this is the state they refer to as chemo brain. I also have a very sore mouth with ulcers popping up and definite signs now of peripheral neuropathy in my hands and finger tips. I can’t even unscrew the lid of a juice carton now due to it feeling like sharp pins been stuck in my fingers and hands when applying pressure. Fortunately due to the callouses on my guitar playing fingers I can still manage a little play here and there. I’m planning to take a guitar with me for this 5 day session as a little escapism. There was some aches and pains for a few days after the last Bleomycin but they wear off pretty quick. Obviously hair still not growing back so still look like the penguin from batman 😂. But overall I can’t complain as many suffer much worse than I have with the chemo side effects. So far have avoided any infection and fever definitely lucky as I cut my big toe when filing out an ingrown nail yesterday but so far no issues there. Lastly with the Bleomycin is some chest pains and tightness kind of like a mild chest infection when deep breathing. Bleomycin been a drug which causes lung issues I believe this is to be expected but docs have said to tell them if gets any worse but every time I see a doctor they have a listen to the chest and tell me it’s all clear. It looks like have to expect some loss to lung capacity as a result of the treatment.

So I have a couple of days of freedom left but don’t expect to be doing much given the energy levels but I definitely made the most of the days prior. Typically as I’m hospital all week next week it’s supposed to be a glorious week so I hope all you guys are able to make the most of it. Peace and love to all.

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