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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

No smooth Ride (back in hospital)

So much for the optimism 😂 Had a single shot of Bleomycin on Wednesday and as of that night again my heart has been pounding in my head and refusing to drop below 80 bpm even at rest. I gave it a few days to see if was a chemo reaction but as of last night (Friday) I knew I had to make contact with the hospital. The symptoms were all there telling me I was again highly anaemic. Spoke to the nurse but she was less convinced and I had to more or less insist I come in first thing in the morning for blood tests. Again the curse of always been right strikes as the test results came back with a blood level of 61. When I left chemo on Monday they were 110, on Wednesday I have since found out I had dropped to 95 and over the next two days this drop to 61. I have just completed my second bag of blood and will have to at least stay in the hospital overnight as they want to ensure the level raises and stays up and we are not having a repeat of last time. The last visit took 7 days and 9 transfusions in total. I’ll be dammed if that’s happening again one long stay as an inpatient is enough for me. I have continually raised the issue with the doctors regarding a steroid they use which is also used in the treatment of anaemia making things worse. The docs believe all this is just a reaction to the chemotherapy but as I have explained to them today the crash is occurring too soon and too rapidly and I have a firm belief the steroid used is making the matter worse. At least I have stood my ground today so we shall see what they come back with.

So for now an overnight stay ahead, I was hoping to get to the M and S for some supplies but the nurse has just informed me this may not even be possible 😢. Will wait till the morning now and see if the level has risen and stabilised so fingers crossed my body reacts better than last time. Especially as I had a new guitar delivered yesterday and want to play the s**t out of it 😂

Love and peace to all my readers.

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