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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

Follow Up appointment 1

Two weeks after the surgery I attended the Leeds cancer centre. Usually on this appointment you would get results from the biopsy (the inspection and identification of what kind of cancer the lump is). Unfortunately for me the corona had taken hold and my removed buddy was still at Bradford having not even been sent to Leeds. However i did meet the Dr Stark and the nurses who are all lovely and a really caring team. My nurse Victoria had been making lots of phone calls to arrange things as letters would be too slow and their communication was excellent. She arranged blood tests for before this appointment and also a CT scan on the morning of the appointment. Unfortunately as Bradford had not yet released the testicle they couldn’t give me any information or discuss the next steps. But the doc confirmed he was certain it was a cancer but no way to know the type. He checked the wound and my remaining buddy and confirmed everything was all good and explained what the grape was and that it would now start shrinking. We discussed banking some love juice for future use in case further treatment was needed which could compromise my performance in this are moving forward. Victoria decided best to get it booked so as not to risk any further delays dependant on how the results would come back. We made a follow up appointment for two weeks time as they did not want me to waste my time coming in if they didn’t receive the goods from Bradford and would again have nothing to tell me. It was a shame to not get any results but I left with a feeling that I was in good hands. Basically you talk with your case nurse, then see the doctor, then sit again with the nurse in case you have any concerns and question. For me a took it all in my stride but I’m sure this is a very difficult process for many and there is definitely an awesome support network on site should you need it.

I then received a call from Victoria a few days later who said they had received the sample and would move the appointment forward a week. I then received a call from the fertility clinic who booked for me to go there the same day in the morning. I guess one advantage to the many major downsides of corona was that appointments happened super fast due to decrease in work load to essential work only for all these departments.

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