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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

First Night Home and the morning after

First night home last night and I will admit the fatigue hit like a ton of bricks. Fortunately no nausea or fevers. Did have a panic which caused me to call the emergency nurse when I noticed my heart rate dropped to 49. I generally have a healthy RHR of 59 but 49 defo freaked me out. Nurse said unless short of breath, dizzy or suffering chest pains shouldn't be a worry. Set my alarm for 2 hour intervals to keep monitoring but this was not needed as the trips to the toilet hourly did this for me. Was funny because every time I woke my dad was doing the same and said at least I know how he feels every night now LOL.

This morning Feeling good and strong and have been enjoying some music. I will admit the ears and hearing have started to be affected. Kind of feels like I have been stood in a loud nightclub all night and the way your ears feel the day after. Nothing to complain about though.

Then at mid day today had to do my first injection of Filgrastim in the belly. This is a drug to help the body make the white blood cells and prevent the immune system from becoming too compromised. Wasn't looking forward to this at all but I have to say it was very quick and painless once I finally plucked up the courage to plunge it in. Not sure if this is a common part or treatment so soon after the first chemo session or an extra precaution amidst the corona virus situation.

4 days to relax now with no more chemo till follow up appointment with oncology on Wednesday so should give the body a chance to recover. I am intending to try eat well and if possible do as much gentle exercise as possible. I figure the more I can do to strengthen the body before each chemo round the better I will be able to handle them. Unfortunately no weight training due to the pick line so probably just do some stepping up and down on a box. Would love to go for a walk and get some fresh air in the lungs but I think best to avoid public places right now and unfortunately I don't have a garden.

To all the readers thanks for all the awesome support on my journey and to anyone on their own journey stay strong, stay safe and much love.

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