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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

Cycle 3 done 2 more weeks and chemo finished

Hi all, time for another update and luckily this one contains mostly good news unlike the last. Left the hospital last Sunday and returned on Wednesday for a single dose of Bleomycin which went ahead and went well. Bloods were confirmed at 84 so no transfusion given as they only give if drops below 80 although 84 is still way below the 150 normal mark. Due back this Wednesday for my penultimate Bleomycin dose before all is done. And I have made it the full 7 days between Bleo shots without hospital YAY!! My scan has been booked for the 7th July where we will find out if the chemo has been worth all the trouble. I have had no feedback as to how the blood markers are doing or if the chemo is looking promising as every oncology appointment is taken up discussing my anaemia and hospital visits, my HS has really done a good job of hijacking the last 3 months.

So the chemo journey is coming to an end and fingers crossed my whole cancerlicious journey along with it. It will be something I will be living with for a long time even if the all clear comes and it will always be in the back of your mind that if you've had it once you are more likely to get it again which isn't a pleasant thought, but then the whole ordeal thus far has had life changing consequences physically and mentally. My mind set has definitely changed over the last three months, I care less about the nonsense and bullshit of life and have no patience to waste any time with any of it. Life is blessing each day we get and we must make the most of each day as you never know what the next might bring. Don't put things off till tomorrow, wait to chase a dream or make any excuses not to do exactly the things you want to in life, live for the day and make the most of each day.

Lockdown is now officially pretty much over in the UK and during lockdown I have been classified as extremely vulnerable and should have been completely locked down. However between all the visits to the hospital and all the shopping and errands I have had to do I have been out and about during the whole thing although fully masked up and taking as many possible precautions. I applied for the vulnerable list to the government but never received a reply so was unable to get any assistance or home delivery slots. So if chemo boy can be out and about during corona time if you take the right precautions I'm sure we can all stay safe though it is sad that 99% of the time I'm the only one wearing a mask. Regardless what they say I will vouch for a good mask absolutely working. last Sunday I was swabbed and tested negative for corona so fingers crossed I can keep dodging it till chemo is totally finished or until its gone for good would be best. But all things can be positive too, it has meant the hospitals have been super quiet during all my treatments which has made the whole thing much easier and quicker, especially the weekly appointments with the oncology docs which are in and out, the roads have been empty making driving to and from the hospital a breeze and if anything fun and very relaxing, I love driving but most of the time the roads are so busy it is just frustrating so driving on the clear roads has been awesome. So you could say having cancer during the pandemic was actually good timing lol. Although my heart truly goes out to all the patients who have had treatments cancelled or referrals not made, I'm sure they would disagree and I'm grateful and blessed I have had the full treatment uninterrupted provided my St James Leeds during all this. For once it has been an advantage to been a northerner.

So for now guys and gals stay safe and peace and love to anyone reading and following my journey.

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