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  • Writer's picturedk AKA deekz

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Hi all hope you are keeping well. I was let home Sunday evening after a final blood transfusion. Went back for a level check Monday morning and we had reached the dizzy heights of 90 so no further action to be taken. Sunday would have been smoother but the blood department lost the blood samples the nurses took in the morning which they were not happy about as they hand delivered them. Then once we took the second set of samples and sent them off the first set magically appeared. Same thing happened on departure day last time, maybe the blood department just really like analysing my blood 🤪. In the morning when the nurse took the samples I said to her that I was feeling around a 77 and that I suspected the blood transfusions were working better. Once the blood samples came back the doctor came to inform me the level was 78 and they wanted me to have 1 more transfusion before sending me home, I said we could saved a lot of time not involving the blood department 😂

Spoke to the main man called professor Stark who is the head honcho of the cancer unit. He was willing and heard out my concerns regarding the steroids but it was his opinion I would be crashing either way as it is just how my condition and the chemo interact. As we only have one more cycle to complete I agreed to keep things as they are and just accept the crashing. I still think managing the crashes would be far more to my benefit as going about it the way we have has been physically and mentally exhausting on me. I have had to convince nurses to admit me both times and it has taken days longer than it should have, each time to be proved correct and that my blood levels had crashed. I wouldn’t mind but I had warned all the doctors of my condition before starting and as much as they have deemed the anaemia episodes of no long term danger they are certainly no fun for me, neither are the constant visits to the hospital. But as we are now nearing the end I will let them finish off how they want to. Defo crossing my fingers it is near the end 🤞

So due back in tomorrow for another single shot of Bleomycin. I will be tested first so will see where the levels are. Hopefully this crash was a result of the 5 day chemo and this single shot will not induce a crash and I can finally have some restful days relaxing at home. For now though enjoying a good few days, taking in some sun, playing all my guitars and trying to make the most of it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a scorcher so I hope you all get the chance to enjoy and make the most of it. Peace and love to you all, until next time.

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